Playing With Matches

By Hannah Orenstein

Book Rating: 3 out of 5 boozy stars

Playing With Matches was recommended to me by a friend who loves sweet romances. The novel follows the main character Sasha Goldberg as she takes a coveted job as a matchmaker at Bliss. Her job responsibilities include searching anywhere possible to find a love match in New York City for her high-paying clients. Sasha finds herself downloading dating apps and meeting guys in order to weed out the good from the bad and find the perfect person for her more demandingpickyclients. Sasha works hard to navigate her new job, her relationship ups and downs, and her friendships. What happens when a match intended for one of her clients is actually interested in her?

Playing With Matches was a cute, light-hearted read. There was just enough drama to keep the book interesting. Sasha was a like-able main character who showed growth throughout the novel. The author did a good job with the novel's pacing as well as with the romance, which was sweet and made you fall for the leading male. 

The only thing that kept me from giving this read 4 stars was the ending. In my opinion, this kind of novel needs a HEA (happily ever after). For me, the ending was lacking and there was not the typical happily ever after ending that you crave after reading this type of book. Therefore, Playing With Matches was a 3 star read in my opinion.

What booze pairs well with this novel?

Love Potion

(From "")



Booze Rating: 5 out of 5 boozy stars

If the title isn't enough of a reason to pair this drink with this novel, the taste is! This sweet, fruity drink is perfect to sip—or guzzle (I don't judge)—while reading Playing With Matches. The grenadine and strawberries even pair well with the pink cover. Adding the heart shaped strawberry as a garnish is the perfect finishing touch since the book contains some heart break for sure. I think the ending even left me a little heartbroken...