Every Vow You Break

By Peter Swanson

Book Rating: 3.5 out of 5 boozy stars

Every Vow You Break is a romantic thriller that follows a woman named Abigail who is about to get married to her fiancé, a multi-millionaire, named Bruce. Before the wedding day in New York, Bruce books a beautiful vineyard in California for Abigail and her bridesmaids to celebrate her bachelorette party and her last days as a single woman. On the bachelorette trip, Abigail meets a local man who intrigues her. They talk for sometime, making up fake names for each other. At the end of the night, Abigail and the man who she refers to as "Scottie", spend the night together. 

When she returns to New York, Abigail is determined to put her fling behind her. That is, until she sees Scottie in New York. Then she swears she sees him again after her wedding ceremony. And there is no mistaking him when he shows up to the island resort that Bruce chose for their honeymoon...

This novel was definitely an interesting read. I loved the twists and turns that Swanson used to keep the reader guessing. I truly did not see the ending coming until it was there. I gave the book 3.5 starts only because I did not find the beginning very suspenseful or interesting. The true suspense did not start until the last ten chapters where I couldn't put the book down because I just had to know what was going to happen next. The book is relatively short, and with the unique plot it is for sure a quick read!

I enjoyed the character development as well as Swanson's writing style. This was the first novel I read from him, but I have already picked up two more after reading this one. I am excited to see what else he has in store! 

What booze pairs well with this novel?

Aviation Cocktail 

(From "")



Booze Rating: 3 out of 5 boozy stars

I chose to pair this novel with an Aviation cocktail because of two reasons. First off, the only way to and from Heart Pond Island where the main characters are celebrating their honeymoon is by plane. Also, in order to get a plane to come you have to go through the owner of the island, therefore it's not as simple of a process as you may think. This is similar to the ingredients in the cocktail. Like the plane, some of the ingredients may be hard to come by, but when you get them it'll all be worth it!